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Workplace Health – A Priority For Employer and Employee

The Healthy EmployeeBlood pressure & heart disease Workplace Health – A Priority For Employer and Employee

Workplace Health – A Priority For Employer and Employee

Workplace health should be at the top of the priority list for each business, with the cost of an unhealthy workforce costing the economy an estimated £60 billion each year. This equates to an average business of 250 employees losing approximately £4800 per week due to sickness absence.

What is the main health issue facing your workforce? The following three points are the most common reasons for ill health and workplace absence.

  • Musculoskeletal problems
  • Minor illnesses such as the common cold
  • Mental health such as depression, stress and anxiety


What can be done to improve your workplace health?

  • A balanced diet consisting of whole foods

Eating a diet based on real food will help to boost your health in a number of ways. Boosting your energy, resilience, immunity and mood. It will also help to maintain a healthy body weight, which will decrease the risk of musculoskeletal complaints.

  • Exercise adequately

Whether this is a simple walk each lunch-time or a competitive game of football, moving your body will help to boost mental wellbeing, improve muscle mass, reduce body fat and ensure your sleep quality is enhanced.

All of us can do more to create a healthier and more productive workplace, whether you are an employee or an employer.

Supporting healthy initiatives and strategies to boost morale, mood and decrease ill health should be at the heart of any business. Click here to view our brochure and the services we provide for businesses in order to achieve this.

The Healthy Employee
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