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Tapering Off The Easter Excess with Ease

The Healthy EmployeeFamily health Tapering Off The Easter Excess with Ease

Tapering Off The Easter Excess with Ease

It is likely chocolate has been consumed on a daily basis over the Easter period. Indulging more than you usually would is harmless from time to time. However, once you are back to the daily commute or sitting at your desk facing daily deadlines, sugar cravings are unhelpful and damaging to your productivity and energy levels.

So what happens when life returns to normal and the chocolate cravings continue to tap you on the shoulder?


We have a few simple tips and tricks to help enable you to knock that irritating craving into check:

1. Plan ahead

Getting back on track with your healthy eating is about planning ahead. Making yourself a deadline to end the Easter chocolate festivities will enable you to clear your mind and make goals from the outset. Ensure that you have your kitchen cupboards and fridge fully stocked with the good foods you need to move forward on the right track. This will enable you to enjoy the Easter break without guilt, and set you on the path to success thereafter.


2. Ditch leftovers

If you still have Easter goodies lying around, then be sure give them to a friend or donate to a food bank. This will mean that leftover treats will bring about positive feelings rather than making you feel guilty for either throwing them away or ultimately eating them.


3. Avoid grazing

Stick to your 3 meals a day and a couple of snacks (if needed). Avoid having a mouthful of something here and there, as this mindless eating will mount up without your realising.


4. Mindful eating is king

As we mentioned in the previous point, mindless eating can really sabotage the greatest intentions. Being mindful of what you eat will dictate your success moving forward. This will force your attention to be drawn to everything you consume, highlighting the unconscious unhealthy habits that may have become a regular occurrence over the Eater break.


5. Be firm but fair

Following the above tips will enable you to stay in control and achieve your healthy eating goals. However, if you have a minor setback, be sure to get straight back on the horse and don’t dwell, as this will simply pull you down further into a negative cycle. Move on and move forward!

To discuss our Employee Nutrition Services, call 07810 716758 or email Anna.

The Healthy Employee
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