National Get On The Scales Day – 29th Dec
The 29th December is National ‘Get On The Scales’ day. But after consuming approximately 7000 calories on Christmas Day alone, and gaining roughly 6lbs between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day, we can imagine that this day won’t be the favourite of the year.
However, over indulging in all of your favourite dishes will stand to do little harm if reigned back in shortly afterwards. Having said that, the average person takes approximately 4 months to lose the weight gained over the Christmas period, which would take you nicely to the basket of Easter chocolate. This is where steady weight gain can become an issue along with long-term health conditions.
You needn’t experience excess weight gain over the festive period, indulging mindfully in your favourite snacks and meals will likely only lead to a couple of lbs added, which can be easily lost within January. You will also be more likely to lose this weight as it will seem less daunting.
Eating everything in sight over Christmas will also lead you to become lethargic and unable to fully enjoy the festivities – is that really a price worth paying?
Stepping onto the scales on the 29th may seem like a daunting and miserable task, but instigating this annual occurrence is likely to remind you that everything is best taken in moderation. If this is something that has perhaps slipped your mind over the last few days, it gives you the perfect opportunity to take charge of your weight before January, when let’s face it, everything feels like an uphill battle.