National Anger Awareness Week
National Anger Awareness Week straddles the run up to Christmas (1-7 December). Encouraging workplaces to address feelings of stress, anger and pent up emotions.
These feelings can have a hugely negative impact on our health and wellbeing, affecting both our personal and professional lives.
National Anger Awareness Week highlights anger as a social issue – creating greater responsibility for the causes and finding innovative and cost-effective ways to prevent incidents relating to uncontrolled anger.
The Healthy Employee Health and Wellbeing Roadshows offer a visual, interactive and personal look into your health status, identifying key areas for improvement and techniques to implement in which to achieve this.
Wellbeing Roadshow Zones include, although not limited to:
- Resilience Training: Provides tools for recognising pressure and improving resilience to overcome challenges at work and home
- Stress Management: Provides employees with ways to identify stress and offers coping strategies to improve both causes and effects
- Mindfulness and Meditation: Shows staff how to release stress and gain focus for a clearer, calmer mind using quick and simple techniques
Do you think our Wellbeing Roadshows would be beneficial in your business?
Contact us today using the button below for more information on our Employee Wellbeing Services.