Muscle Mass Loss & How Prevent It
Muscle mass and strength loss throughout the aging process is called Sarcopenia. Although this is a natural part of aging, it can be detrimental to health and wellbeing. However, with many of us working for longer it is even more important that we maintain muscle mass and strength for as long as possible.
Between the ages of 30 and 60, and average adult will gain approximately 0.5kg of fat and loss approximately 0.25kg muscle each year.
Symptoms of sarcopenia include:
- Weakness
- A decrease in muscle size
- Loss of endurance
- Poor balance
Resistance training and general exercise has shown to be effective in the fight against muscle loss. Older and less physically active adults are more likely to have less skeletal muscle mass and strength.
Research has shown that adequate protein intake helps to maintain muscle mass as we age. Current recommend dietary allowance of protein is 0.8g per kg of body weight. But recent research has suggested that older adults should be consuming in the range of 1.2-1.6g per kg of body weight daily in order to reduce their risk of developing sarcopenia. High protein intake is also recommended for those who are highly physically active or pregnant/breastfeeding.
Many of us do not consume enough protein throughout the day, with many breakfast and midday meals containing minimal amounts. Aim to consume a steady level of protein with each meal. Excellent sources of protein include:
- Greek yoghurt
- Chicken
- Turkey
- Eggs
- Fish
- Beans & legumes
- Tofu
- Cheese
- Seeds & nuts
Type these ingredients into the search bar on our recipe page to find some delicious meal ideas that include enough protein to keep you fighting fit.