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Hypnotherapy to stop smoking

The Healthy EmployeeHypnotherapy to stop smoking
Toolbox talks-02-01

Hypnotherapy to stop smoking

Workplace Services
Click here to discuss more about our hypnotherapy to stop smoking service

Business benefits:

The most successful route for stopping smoking
Reducing the risk of serious ill-health and disease across your workforce
Employees who are equipped to make changes for better health
Studies show hypnotherapy for stopping smoking has a success rate of up to 65%, far exceeding any other cessation method

Smoking is the greatest cause of cancer in the UK and people who smoke are at higher risk of at least 15 different types of cancers. As well as dramatically increasing an employee’s risk of serious disease and mortality, smoking also impacts short-term health.
Hypnotherapy helps employees learn techniques to tackle their addiction to smoking and shows them how to relax without reaching for a cigarette.
Inspire your employees to quit smoking for good, with help that’s proven to support successful change.

Get in touch

To receive the information you need, simply select the PDF below and we will be in touch.


    Georgina Mason
    February 10, 2021