How To Have A Happy January Part 2
January is a challenging month for most, a lack of daylight, miserable weather and little to look forward to. However, the food you choose to eat throughout these drizzly days will go a long way in dictating your mood and motivation. Concentrating on embarking on a diet that contains the following nutritional elements will arm you with useful tools to create and sustain motivation and positivity. Each week we will be posting two vital vitamins and nutrients that aid in boosting mood, energy and vitality, along with the top foods and delicious recipes.
Calcium deficiency is far more common among women than men, and has been found to play a large role in Pre Menstrual Syndrome -related depression since estrogen aids in calcium production.
Try the following recipes to up your calcium levels:
Moroccan soup with kale and chickpeas
Slow cooker creamy chicken and squash stew
Chromium works directly with the brain’s mood and has been shown to help improve signs of depression.
Try these recipes to increase your levels of chromium:
To discuss our Employee Nutrition Services, call 07810 716758 or email Anna.