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Food Pairing To Boost Health

Food Pairing To Boost Health

It isn’t just a coincidence that tomatoes and olive oil are often combined, the same goes for salmon and crème fraiche. These pairing of foods along with a whole host of others provide one another with greater nutritional value when eaten together.

Eating a diet of whole and real food is great, but how do you know if you’re getting the most from your food? Gaining further nutritional value could decrease your risk of developing a host of diseases, and will ultimately make you feel even better on a daily basis.

Chewing food releases the action of enzymes Once they reach the gut, further enzymes aid in nutrient absorption into the bloodstream  However, not all nutrients can be absorbed to their full capacity, but can be greatly improved when certain foods are consumed at the same time.

The benefits of the following food pairings:

  • Improved nutritional intake
  • Reduced risk of certain cancers
  • Lowered risk of heart disease
  • Protection against infection and boosted immunity
  • Increased cognitive function
  • Stronger bones and teeth
  • Greater muscle function and improved muscle recovery
  • Strengthened vision
  • Reduced chronic pain and improved mood


Food Pairs


Tomatoes contain antioxidant properties, which are better absorbed when consumed with a little healthy fat (olive oil).


Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties, which are commonly poorly absorbed. However, it can be improved through consuming piperine, which is found in black pepper.


Beans are a rich source of iron, and a source that many rely on. However, the full potential of this source can be reached by combining them with a food rich in vitamin C (cauliflower).


In order to absorb calcium, vitamin D is required. There are time when sunlight exposure isn’t as frequent as we need, so serving up a fresh piece of salmon with a dollop of crème fraiche will enable your body to fully absorb the calcium you’ve eaten.


Already high in antioxidants, green tea is a great health booster, but is made even better by the inclusion of lemon juice that fully unlocked it’s absorption potential.


Bananas contain inulin (fibres). Inulin aids in the absorption of calcium (yoghurt), encouraging stronger teeth, bones and muscle function.


Salads are full of raw vegetables, and to ensure you get the most nutrition out of them, include eggs. One study found that people who ate eggs with their salad absorbed three to nine times more antioxidants than their eggless counterparts.


Tofu contains iron, which is known to be better absorbed when eaten with food containing vitamin C (bell peppers) (choose orange or red peppers ideally as they are high in antioxidant properties.


Red meat has its health benefits when eaten occasionally. The high quantity of iron within it is used to it’s potential when consumed with food high in vitamin C (broccoli).


The Healthy Employee
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