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Category: Immunity

The global pandemic circulating throughout society has led us all to be much more diligent with our hygiene to ensure we all stand the best chance of contracting Covid-19. However, the immune system can also be strengthened from the inside out. Certain foods and drinks…

With the arrival of International Men’s Health Week, it only seems appropriate to bring issues around men’s health to the forefront. Statistics have shown that one man in every five dies before he reaches the age of 65. The UK has the highest level of…

world health day

World Health Day has been celebrated for 70 years. Each year on April 7 the campaign creates awareness of a specific health theme to highlight an area of concern for the World Health Organisation. This day serves as an opportunity to focus your own health…

Nobody tries to become ill, on the contrary, most of us do our best to avoid any form of illness. But no matter how hard we try, sometimes that gurgling stomach or blocked nose rears its ugly head once more. Sometimes these things are unavoidable,…

Annual World Health Day arrives on the 7thApril, a day brought about under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO). This is an annual reminder to highlight the importance of health and wellbeing throughout you, your family, friends and workplace. Maintaining and nurturing your…

Food Eliminate processed foods Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables Choose lean protein such turkey or chicken Eat fish twice per week Drink 1.5 – 2 litres of water each day Limit tea and coffee to 4 cups per day Consume no more than…

Eating a healthier diet can often conjure up images of hard work, maximum organisation and extended preparation time. However, increasing your fruit and veg intake needn’t be like this in reality. Making incremental and easy changes to your daily diet will prove to make a…

An imbalance in hormones can lead to a vast array of unpleasant side effects. Symptoms of hormone imbalances can include: Unexplained weight change Excessive sweating Difficulty sleeping Dry skin Blood pressure changes Changes in heart rate Weak or brittle bones Blood sugar changes Irritability and…

Fermented foods have been enjoyed for thousands of years carrying a number of health benefits; yet seem to be underplayed by many.   Health benefits: High nutrient content – Fermented foods typically contain a higher level of nutrition than unfermented foods. The fermentation process can increase…

The beginning of a New Year sparks fresh ideologies of living the healthiest of lifestyles. We’re sure that this notion will light up a range of visualisations that if you were being honest with yourself, will never realistically fit so seamlessly and attractively into your…

We are often hijacked by our emotions, often causing an untold amount of damage to our health and wellbeing both physically and emotionally. Our Wellbeing Roadshows offer a visual, interactive and personal look into your health status. Included are 14 zones, identifying key areas for…

If you missed it, be sure to head to last week’s blog posts for the first and second installment of this posting before reading on! Transitioning to a healthier diet can often seem overwhelming. However, starting out small will see you make great leaps in…