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Category: Diabetes

If you missed it, be sure to head to last week’s blog posts for the first and second installment of this posting before reading on! Transitioning to a healthier diet can often seem overwhelming. However, starting out small will see you make great leaps in…

We have chosen a short selection of everyday ingredients below and highlighted the health benefits that come with eating them. Each of these ingredients is easily incorporated into your everyday meals and will help to boost all aspects of health and wellbeing. We have placed…

If you missed it, be sure to head to last week’s blog posts for the first installment of this posting before reading on! Transitioning to a healthier diet can often seem overwhelming. However, starting out small will see you make great leaps in improvements to…

On the 14th November each year, we are reminded of the health and financial costs we pay towards diabetes. Diabetes is a condition that causes a person’s blood sugar level to become too high, due to a lack of insulin resistance. When blood sugar becomes too…

We have been advised that our sugar consumption should account for no more than 5% of our daily calories which amounts to no more than 7 teaspoons of added sugar per day. On average we are consuming more than double that at 12.3%. Sugar is…

We have all done it many times – your body begins to register the fact that you are comfortably full, you eat past this point and are now uncomfortably full. You continue to eat, and are now so full that it is all you can…

The more you look, the more you realise that sugar seems to be in absolutely everything. This modern age addiction has captured the taste buds of the majority of the population. Eating excessive amounts of sugar can result in tooth decay, type 2 diabetes and…

9th– 15th October is National Curry Week! Not only is this national favourite delicious and versatile, it also offers a whole host of health benefits. Of course we are not referring to the fried rice and oily naan bread, but the spices used in many popular…

Throughout 2016/17, there were 617,000 hospital admissions where obesity was listed as a primary or secondary diagnosis. These admissions have increased by 18% from the previous year with 524,725 admissions made throughout 2015/16. It comes as no surprise that these are the highest level of…

Things are usually easier to stick with if there are others around you going through the same experience. We also often worry about the health of our family, and want to instill the healthiest lifestyle choices upon them where possible. Both of the above points…

There are a number of popular diets based on the glycaemic index (GI), such as the Zone and Slow-Carb diet as well as using the GI of foods as a means to identify carbohydrate containing foods which may influence blood sugar levels. This fact file…

Sugar is everywhere – cheap, accessible and addictive. So it is little wonder that so many of us are searching for our next sugar hit. It is well known how damaging sugar is to your health, raising your risk of obesity and chronic disease, but…