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Category: Diabetes

This week highlights the importance of good nutrition and hydration and the impact it has on your mind and body. In order to sustain good health, you need to consume a healthy and balanced diet. Everything you eat will have an impact on your physical…

As always, this Diabetes Awareness week is an opportunity to spread awareness of diabetes by increasing understanding and reducing stigma of the disease.   4 facts about diabetes that you should know: 1 in 5 (4.8 million) people in the UK are living with diabetes….

With the arrival of International Men’s Health Week, it only seems appropriate to bring issues around men’s health to the forefront. Statistics have shown that one man in every five dies before he reaches the age of 65. The UK has the highest level of…

Essential awareness of diabetes is vital to help you manage your health. By being fully informed on the information on diabetes, you can best navigate diagnosis, treatment and improve your health outcome.   Why diabetes awareness matters: Four million people in the UK have diabetes,…

sugar awareness

The World Health Organisation has advised halving the amount of sugar we have on a daily basis in an attempt to crack down on climbing health problems within the population. The current daily allowance of sugar per person is 12 teaspoons. It has been advised…

Healthy snacks such as fruit, vegetables and nuts on wooden table

Snacking can be something we do without even realising it, and can often be on foods high in salt, sugar and fat. Many of these choices will hinder our overall health and wellbeing, as well as provide little in the way of energy and nutrition….

There are a number of popular diets based on the glycaemic index (GI), as well as using the GI of foods as a means to identify carbohydrate containing foods which may influence blood sugar levels. This fact file explores both the GI and glycaemic load…

As part of a healthy, balanced diet, sugary foods and drinks should be kept to a minimum. Many highly processed foods that contain a lot of added sugar often contain a lot of calories and salt. Do you know how much sugar is in the…

Starchy carbohydrate foods mainly consist of bread, pasta, rice and cereals which in most cases are our primary source of fuel, especially for the brain as they eventually get broken down into sugar. Sugary foods such as chocolate, cakes, sweets biscuits, sugar coated cereal bars…

Embarking on a healthier lifestyle is what many of us strive for. Be that at the beginning of the week, month or year. This idea can often seem daunting and unachievable. However, small changes are all that are needed in order to create a healthy…

Blood Heart Circulation

With February being national Heart Month, are you aware of these lesser known risks heart disease and stroke? Around 7.4 million people in the UK are living with heart and circulatory diseases – this is approximately twice the amount as cancer and Alzheimer’s disease combined….

Habits and change

Embarking on a healthier lifestyle is what many of us strive for. Be that at the beginning of the week, month or year. This idea can often seem daunting and unachievable. However, small changes are all that are needed in order to create a healthy…