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Category: Boosting energy

sleep for better health

Switch off screens as bedtime:  One good substitution is reading. Reading an old-fashioned, printed book under lamplight (as opposed to bright overhead lighting) is a great choice. And using an e-ink e-reader (like the Kindle Paperwhite, as opposed to the Kindle Fire) is also a…

With Men’s Health Week running from 10-16 June, it’s a great opportunity to ask yourself, do you look after your health? Could you take better care of yourself? If the answer is yes, how would you begin to do so? According to a survey, 9…

Workplace health should be at the top of the priority list for each business, with the cost of an unhealthy workforce costing the economy an estimated £60 billion each year. This equates to an average business of 250 employees losing approximately £4800 per week due…

May is Global Employee Health & Fitness Month, so take the opportunity to promote healthy habits, instigate a balanced diet, plenty of exercise and boosted wellness and energy within your workplace.   What could happen if you let your health and wellness take a backseat?…

Making healthy food choices at work can sometimes feel like a constant uphill battle. Daily birthdays, midweek lunch meetings, discussions at the coffee house on the corner, vending machine temptations and the leftover chocolate cake in the cupboard when you arrive home from work feeling…

Annual World Health Day arrives on the 7thApril, a day brought about under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO). This is an annual reminder to highlight the importance of health and wellbeing throughout you, your family, friends and workplace. Maintaining and nurturing your…

Life feels so much easier when you have slept well. All aspects of our life can begin to suffer if we are sleep deprived – energy, mood, health, work performance, concentration and focus. Some of us have a tough time when it comes to sleep,…

Eating a healthier diet can often conjure up images of hard work, maximum organisation and extended preparation time. However, increasing your fruit and veg intake needn’t be like this in reality. Making incremental and easy changes to your daily diet will prove to make a…

Eating a healthier diet can often conjure up images of hard work, maximum organisation and extended preparation time. However, increasing your fruit and veg intake needn’t be like this in reality. Making incremental and easy changes to your daily diet will prove to make a…

Good nutrition and adequate hydration is essential when it comes to basic functioning, let alone performing at your best. Nutrition and hydration enables your body to function, grow, repair and build. No single nutrient enables your body to achieve all of these, which is why…

This year Lent falls between 6th March – 18th April, 40 days in which many of us will decide to give up our favourite food or drink. A new habit takes time to become accustomed to, so going without your something over Lent that you perhaps over…

Your value is largely dictated by your lifestyle. Can you be worth more? Could you lifestyle do with an overhaul?   The Problem If you don’t maintain a balanced lifestyle, then your value will decrease in all areas of your life, both professional and personal….